TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS basiert auf dem Bestseller von Cheryl Strayed und wurde von Nia Vardalos für die Bühne adaptiert. Das Stück setzt die Fragen und Antworten, die das britische Magazin "Sugar" von 2010 bis 2012 online veröffentlichte, in ein theatrales Licht. Als Cheryl Strayed gebeten wurde, den unbezahlten, anonymen Posten der Ratgeberkolumnistin für „Sugar“ zu übernehmen, nutzte sie ihr Einfühlungsvermögen und ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen, um denjenigen zu helfen, die Rat bei großen und kleinen Hindernissen suchen. TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS ist ein Stück über das Erreichen von Zielen, wenn man nicht weiterkommt, über Heilung, wenn man gebrochen ist, und über den Mut, sich den Fragen zu stellen, auf die es keine Antworten gibt. HINTERGRUND
TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS wurde im November 2016 am Public Theater in New York City unter der Regie von Thomas Kail (HAMILTON, IN THE HEIGHTS) uraufgeführt. BESETZUNGROLLEN
Sugar — Age is 37 and up, no limit. Ethnicity is open. She is a writer, a married mom to two children. On a whim, she takes a job of an anonymous online advice columnist, only to discover that she needs the Letter Writers as much as they need her. Male Letter Writer #1 — Age, gender and ethnicity are open. This person first appears when he emails Sugar with the offer of the job as an online advice columnist, and later appears as several Letter Writers, including women. Most notably he plays someone who repeatedly trolls Sugar online by signing off as WTF, and a father who has lost his 22 year old son in a car accident. Female Letter Writer — Age, gender and ethnicity are open. This person plays a variety of Letter Writers of many ages, including an assortment of males. Most notably, she plays a woman dealing with the after effects of a miscarriage, plus Sugar’s mother who appears in flashbacks. Male Letter Writer #2 — Age, gender and ethnicity are open. This person plays a variety of roles, including women. Most notably he plays a transgender person in search of an answer about family, plus someone who is unsure about maintaining a relationship with a narcissist father. The distribution of the letters is open to the director’s choices. The goal was to create a piece which could be played by all genders and ethnicities. MEDIENVIDEOS